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Version: 1.8.0 (latest)


A pipeline is a connection that moves data from your Python code to a destination. The pipeline accepts dlt sources or resources, as well as generators, async generators, lists, and any iterables. Once the pipeline runs, all resources are evaluated and the data is loaded at the destination.


This pipeline will load a list of objects into a DuckDB table named "three":

import dlt

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(destination="duckdb", dataset_name="sequence")

info =[{'id':1}, {'id':2}, {'id':3}], table_name="three")


You instantiate a pipeline by calling the dlt.pipeline function with the following arguments:

  • pipeline_name: a name of the pipeline that will be used to identify it in trace and monitoring events and to restore its state and data schemas on subsequent runs. If not provided, dlt will create a pipeline name from the file name of the currently executing Python module.
  • destination: a name of the destination to which dlt will load the data. It may also be provided to the run method of the pipeline.
  • dataset_name: a name of the dataset to which the data will be loaded. A dataset is a logical group of tables, i.e., schema in relational databases or a folder grouping many files. It may also be provided later to the run or load methods of the pipeline. If not provided, then it defaults to the {pipeline_name}_dataset on destinations that require datasets (most of the warehouses). It will stay empty on destinations that do not separate tables into datasets (or database schemas) ie. on vector databases or Clikchouse.

To load the data, you call the run method and pass your data in the data argument.


  • data (the first argument) may be a dlt source, resource, generator function, or any Iterator or Iterable (i.e., a list or the result of the map function).
  • write_disposition controls how to write data to a table. Defaults to "append".
    • append will always add new data at the end of the table.
    • replace will replace existing data with new data.
    • skip will prevent data from loading.
    • merge will deduplicate and merge data based on primary_key and merge_key hints.
  • table_name: specified in cases when the table name cannot be inferred, i.e., from the resources or name of the generator function.

Example: This pipeline will load the data the generator generate_rows(10) produces:

import dlt

def generate_rows(nr):
for i in range(nr):
yield {'id':1}

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(destination='bigquery', dataset_name='sql_database_data')

info =


Pipeline working directory

Each pipeline that you create with dlt stores extracted files, load packages, inferred schemas, execution traces, and the pipeline state in a folder in the local filesystem. The default location for such folders is in the user's home directory: ~/.dlt/pipelines/<pipeline_name>.

You can inspect stored artifacts using the command dlt pipeline info and programmatically.

💡 A pipeline with a given name looks for its working directory in the location above - so if you have two pipeline scripts that create a pipeline with the same name, they will see the same working folder and share all the possible state. You may override the default location using the pipelines_dir argument when creating the pipeline.

💡 You can attach a Pipeline instance to an existing working folder, without creating a new pipeline with dlt.attach.

Separate working environments with pipelines_dir

You can run several pipelines with the same name but with different configurations, for example, to target development, staging, or production environments. Set the pipelines_dir argument to store all the working folders in a specific place. For example:

import dlt
from dlt.common.pipeline import get_dlt_pipelines_dir

dev_pipelines_dir = os.path.join(get_dlt_pipelines_dir(), "dev")
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(destination="duckdb", dataset_name="sequence", pipelines_dir=dev_pipelines_dir)

This code stores the pipeline working folder in ~/.dlt/pipelines/dev/<pipeline_name>. Note that you need to pass this ~/.dlt/pipelines/dev/ into all CLI commands to get info/trace for that pipeline.

Do experiments with dev mode

If you create a new pipeline script, you will be experimenting a lot. If you want each time the pipeline resets its state and loads data to a new dataset, set the dev_mode argument of the dlt.pipeline method to True. Each time the pipeline is created, dlt adds a datetime-based suffix to the dataset name.

Refresh pipeline data and state

You can reset parts or all of your sources by using the refresh argument to dlt.pipeline or the pipeline's run or extract method. That means when you run the pipeline, the sources/resources being processed will have their state reset and their tables either dropped or truncated, depending on which refresh mode is used.

The refresh option works with all relational or SQL destinations and cloud storages and files (filesystem). It does not work with vector databases (we are working on that) and with custom destinations.

The refresh argument should have one of the following string values to decide the refresh mode:

Drop tables and pipeline state for a source with drop_sources

All sources being processed in or pipeline.extract are refreshed. That means all tables listed in their schemas are dropped and the state belonging to those sources and all their resources is completely wiped. The tables are deleted both from the pipeline's schema and from the destination database.

If you only have one source or run with all your sources together, then this is practically like running the pipeline again for the first time.


This erases schema history for the selected sources and only the latest version is stored.

import dlt

pipeline = dlt.pipeline("airtable_demo", destination="duckdb"), refresh="drop_sources")

In the example above, we instruct dlt to wipe the pipeline state belonging to the airtable_emojis source and drop all the database tables in duckdb to which data was loaded. The airtable_emojis source had two resources named "📆 Schedule" and "💰 Budget" loading to tables "_schedule" and "_budget". Here's what dlt does step by step:

  1. Collects a list of tables to drop by looking for all the tables in the schema that are created in the destination.
  2. Removes existing pipeline state associated with the airtable_emojis source.
  3. Resets the schema associated with the airtable_emojis source.
  4. Executes extract and normalize steps. These will create fresh pipeline state and a schema.
  5. Before it executes the load step, the collected tables are dropped from staging and regular dataset.
  6. Schema airtable_emojis (associated with the source) is removed from the _dlt_version table.
  7. Executes the load step as usual so tables are re-created and fresh schema and pipeline state are stored.

Selectively drop tables and resource state with drop_resources

Limits the refresh to the resources being processed in or pipeline.extract (e.g., by using source.with_resources(...)). Tables belonging to those resources are dropped, and their resource state is wiped (that includes incremental state). The tables are deleted both from the pipeline's schema and from the destination database.

Source level state keys are not deleted in this mode (i.e., dlt.state()[<'my_key>'] = '<my_value>')


This erases schema history for all affected sources, and only the latest schema version is stored.

import dlt

pipeline = dlt.pipeline("airtable_demo", destination="duckdb")"📆 Schedule"), refresh="drop_resources")

Above, we request that the state associated with the "📆 Schedule" resource is reset, and the table generated by it ("_schedule") is dropped. Other resources, tables, and state are not affected. Please check drop_sources for a step-by-step description of what dlt does internally.

Selectively truncate tables and reset resource state with drop_data

Same as drop_resources, but instead of dropping tables from the schema, only the data is deleted from them (i.e., by TRUNCATE <table_name> in SQL destinations). Resource state for selected resources is also wiped. In the case of incremental resources, this will reset the cursor state and fully reload the data from the initial_value.

The schema remains unmodified in this case.

import dlt

pipeline = dlt.pipeline("airtable_demo", destination="duckdb")"📆 Schedule"), refresh="drop_data")

Above, the incremental state of the "📆 Schedule" is reset before the extract step so data is fully reacquired. Just before the load step starts, the "_schedule" is truncated, and new (full) table data will be inserted/copied.

Display the loading progress

You can add a progress monitor to the pipeline. Typically, its role is to visually assure the user that the pipeline run is progressing. dlt supports 4 progress monitors out of the box:

  • enlighten - a status bar with progress bars that also allows for logging.
  • tqdm - the most popular Python progress bar lib, proven to work in Notebooks.
  • alive_progress - with the most fancy animations.
  • log - dumps the progress information to log, console, or text stream. the most useful on production optionally adds memory and CPU usage stats.

💡 You must install the required progress bar library yourself.

You pass the progress monitor in the progress argument of the pipeline. You can use a name from the list above as in the following example:

# create a pipeline loading chess data that dumps
# progress to stdout every 10 seconds (the default)
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

You can fully configure the progress monitor. See two examples below:

from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context  # noqa

# log each minute to Airflow task logger
ti = get_current_context()["ti"]
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
progress=dlt.progress.log(60, ti.log)
# set tqdm bar color to yellow
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(

Note that the value of the progress argument is configurable.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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