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Pokemon details in parallel using transformers


The source code for this example can be found in our repository at:

About this Example

For this example, we will be loading Pokemon data from the PokeAPI with the help of transformers to load Pokemon details in parallel.

We'll learn how to:

  • create 2 transformers and connect them to a resource with the pipe operator |;
  • load these transformers in parallel using the @dlt.defer decorator;
  • configure parallelism in the config.toml file;
  • deselect the main resource, so it will not be loaded into the database;
  • importing and using a pre-configured requests library with automatic retries (from dlt.sources.helpers import requests).

Full source code

import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests

def source(pokemon_api_url: str):
# note that we deselect `pokemon_list` - we do not want it to be loaded
@dlt.resource(write_disposition="replace", selected=False)
def pokemon_list():
"""Retrieve a first page of Pokemons and yield it. We do not retrieve all the pages in this example"""
yield requests.get(pokemon_api_url).json()["results"]

# transformer that retrieves a list of objects in parallel
def pokemon(pokemons):
"""Yields details for a list of `pokemons`"""

# @dlt.defer marks a function to be executed in parallel
# in a thread pool
def _get_pokemon(_pokemon):
return requests.get(_pokemon["url"]).json()

# call and yield the function result normally, the @dlt.defer takes care of parallelism
for _pokemon in pokemons:
yield _get_pokemon(_pokemon)

# a special case where just one item is retrieved in transformer
# a whole transformer may be marked for parallel execution
def species(pokemon_details):
"""Yields species details for a pokemon"""
species_data = requests.get(pokemon_details["species"]["url"]).json()
# link back to pokemon so we have a relation in loaded data
species_data["pokemon_id"] = pokemon_details["id"]
# You can return the result instead of yield since the transformer only generates one result
return species_data

# create two simple pipelines with | operator
# 1. send list of pokemons into `pokemon` transformer to get pokemon details
# 2. send pokemon details into `species` transformer to get species details
# NOTE: dlt is smart enough to get data from pokemon_list and pokemon details once

return (pokemon_list | pokemon, pokemon_list | pokemon | species)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# build duck db pipeline
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
pipeline_name="pokemon", destination="duckdb", dataset_name="pokemon_data"

# the pokemon_list resource does not need to be loaded
load_info =""))

# verify that all went well
row_counts = pipeline.last_trace.last_normalize_info.row_counts
assert row_counts["pokemon"] == 20
assert row_counts["species"] == 20
assert "pokemon_list" not in row_counts

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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